Texas Fishing Forum

Joe Pool 2/18/24

Posted By: Verne

Joe Pool 2/18/24 - 02/20/24 07:09 PM

First off...it was COLD. 28 degrees when we got on the water just after 7 am. BUT, this was the first day in a while that the wind was basically non-existent. Like glass conditions until sometime after noon, and even then it was pretty mild.

We searched for crappie the whole day and I honestly don't think we ever saw anything other than baitfish and carp on the livescope. The reason I say this is, the carp were the only things we saw that looked to be bigger than the jigs we were using. We fished the bridges, we fished by the dam, we fished deep brush piles, we fished shallow brush piles, we fished points, we fished the mouths of creeks, we fished creeks, we fished the middle of coves, we fished the backs of coves, we fished submerged timber. I know that there's somewhere we didn't fish, and wherever that was, must be where the fish were, because they sure weren't in any of the places we looked.

Pretty much had the lake to ourselves until close to noon. Still never saw more than a handful of boats and no one we actually saw fishing seemed to be catching anything either. When we were leaving, we did speak with a guy at the ramp who was also leaving and he said they'd managed to boat a few bass throughout the day. So, it was either fishing stories or someone actually found some fish somewhere.

I plan on doing a lot more fishing this year and I'll try to give honest reports when I go. I notice that most guys don't seem to want to give any actual reports on here anymore, for whatever reason. It'll say something like "Killed them today" and then there will be some pics and a lotta "at-a-boys". But, that doesn't really help anyone.

These days I mostly concentrate on crappie, but I'll also do a little bass fishing as well as chase the sandies, hybrids, and stripers from time-to-time.

Lakes I tend to hit regularly are Whitney, Arlington, Joe Pool, Fork, Tawakoni, Cedar Creek, and Richland Chambers. Sometimes I'll get a wild hair and go to some off-the-wall lake like Aquilla, but I spend the majority of my time on Richland Chambers. Like most of you, I watch the on-line fishing reports to see where I want to go....when there are actually reports to see.

Anyway, that's my rant and the first one I've made in a long time. Let's start being a little more open on here when we have a decent day on the water. No one expects you to drop GPS coordinates. Just tell everyone what depth you were finding fish, if it was on brush, timber, etc., and maybe what baits worked best for you that day. That's what I plan to do.
Posted By: fivebites

Re: Joe Pool 2/18/24 - 02/21/24 10:38 PM

What was the water temp out there? It was 28 degrees on the 18th??? I thought it had warmed up in Dallas this week. Dang!
Posted By: BubbaHyde

Re: Joe Pool 2/18/24 - 02/22/24 04:56 AM

Originally Posted by fivebites
What was the water temp out there? It was 28 degrees on the 18th??? I thought it had warmed up in Dallas this week. Dang!

It did. Cold front came through Friday night and knocked the temps down.
Posted By: fivebites

Re: Joe Pool 2/18/24 - 02/22/24 06:14 PM

Anyone know current water temps?
Posted By: 4Weight

Re: Joe Pool 2/18/24 - 02/22/24 07:53 PM

51-53 all over the lake on Tuesday. Water was way off color throughout the lake and the creeks.
Posted By: fivebites

Re: Joe Pool 2/18/24 - 02/22/24 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by 4Weight
51-53 all over the lake on Tuesday. Water was way off color throughout the lake and the creeks.

Thanks 4weight!
Posted By: Verne

Re: Joe Pool 2/18/24 - 02/23/24 03:42 AM

Yes, those were the temps we were seeing Sunday, too. Water south of the bridges was pretty muddy. Clarity wasn't great at the dam either.
Posted By: fivebites

Re: Joe Pool 2/18/24 - 02/23/24 02:19 PM

Thanks Verne. Coming up to Dallas today and hope to get out there sometime this weekend.
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