Hello Kayaker's I've seen a lot of interest in fishing tournament's. I am new to kayaking, just got mine this spring. I am considering starting a Kayak Fishing Club. I have had a fishing club in the past with about 10 members, but do to people's personal lives it only lasted tow years. Although we sure had fun.
Here is what I have in mind. If I get enough interest the first tournament would either the end of may or for sure in june. We would fish the months May, June, July, August, and September. Then have a end of the year tournament the first of October before it gets too cold. We will fish either Saturday or Sunday depending on what works best for the majority of the interest. Entry fee would be $15. $10 for largest stringer and $5 for big bass. And Yes only BlackBass and its sub-species. Depending on numbers it would pay 50%,30%,20% for heaviest stringer and 60%,40% for big bass. Our Club meeting would be after the end of every tournament so there will be no conflict between work schedules. We would be fishing the monthly tournament at Marine Creek Lake. It is kayak friendly and does not get a lot of boat pressure. The few boats that are on the lake are fisherman. There are no JET SKI'S allowed on the lake. There is a ski club on the lake, but all boats are restricted to the dam area.The end of the year tournament will be decided by vote. Maybe a float trip down the Brazos.
This Information is to put the bug in everyones ear. Reply if your seriously interested in the idea and if so what day you perfer Saturday or Sunday. smile